By Lauren Monroe
You’ve taken the first two steps to activating your power. You’ve made time to sit in awareness and let the worlds – both inner and outer – pass through you, and you’ve chosen where to focus your attention. Simply by practicing awareness and focusing your attention, you’re gaining power over yourself and over your reality.
However, all too often, when we focus our attention, we can see parts of ourselves that can be painful. We feel bad about the way we are. We begin to suspect we should be some other way. We feel guilty for not spending more time on this or on spending too
much time on that. We begin to self-blame, and that’s where we can return to old habits of distracting ourselves so we don’t have to look.
The third step in activating your power is accepting yourself as you are.
Accepting who we are and where we’re at right now is a huge piece of healing. It’s also a lifelong pursuit that requires regular practice.
Think back to the first step: awareness. Awareness is allowing external distractions and internal states to flow through you without judgement. Among those distracting thoughts can be negative mantras that we’ve internalized over the years: Subconscious thoughts that whisper “I’m not significant, I have no purpose, I can never achieve that, I’m a failure. No one cares about me. I’m worthless”. Most of us have experienced these feelings before, some more deeply than others.
You didn’t put those thoughts there, but somehow they may have been steering you away from loving yourself and are limiting you. If you let them, they’ll sabotage you before you ever have a chance to come into your full power.
Accepting one’s self is not an easy task. It may be the hardest task we’re ever given. But in order to live a life that is truly empowered, we have to be willing to look honestly at our imperfections.
We also have to look honestly at our moments of brilliance and generosity, at our strengths and our talents and embrace both light and dark.
Your weaknesses won’t hold you back from your destiny. It’s your limiting beliefs about your weaknesses that do that. When you’re focused on your limitations, you’re not seeing the secret passageways that give you access to a greater version of yourself. You’re not seeing the unique gifts that only you can offer to others so that they can become greater versions of themselves.
The art of acceptance is is a gift of freedom. It is a skill that with practice can change your perspectives on not only yourself but of others around you. Acceptance frees us from our own limiting perceptions and allows us to connect deeply to others and with this experience a person can move into a profound place of compassion and love for themselves and for the world. This third point of activation can be life changing.
Be brave, be open and get ready to be lead into an experience of healing with me on Thursday, August 30th at 5pm PST.
You are invited to a webinar workshop with Lauren Monroe. Pre-Register here!
When: August 30, 2018 5:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Mindfulness Acceptance Workshop
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.